Wednesday, 24 July 2013


For most of my life(Since I became in control of what I eat) I've struggled to maintain what my doctors and dietitian deem a healthy weight. That's a weight with a BMI between 19-24.
A couple of years ago I finally managed to get my weight 48kg which gives me a BMI of 19 so as far as I was concerned the docs should be happy! They were for a little while, with smiles and congratulations on gaining and maintaining a healthy weight, but then my dietitian said that really I should have a higher weight with a BMI of 20 to make sure that when I fall ill I have some 'back up' weight to lose.

At first I hated the idea, why would I want to change my weight from one I'm comfortable with for a just in case scenario? Now however I'm slowly coming round to the idea, I mean 2kg isn't really that much to gain and maybe I'd look better for it (as long as it doesn't all go to one place!) So today I start trying to gain weight again! Last time I gained weight I lived at home and my brother paid rent for me so I could spend all my penny's on fatty junk food to pile on the pounds! Now however I can't afford to buy lots of yummy food, so I'll have to do it with calshakes :(

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