Friday 19 July 2013

I've been thinking about diabetes a lot lately, mainly because I came across a blog of a woman who said 'having CF is not a license to eat junk food'.
This is something I disagree with, eating junk food without feeling guilty is literally the only plus to having CF! Obviously don't only eat junk food but as far as I'm concerned I'm going to pig out because that's the only way I can keep my weight up. Which leads me to diabetes. Most people with CF will develop Cf-related diabetes (CFRD) at some point in their lives due to the thick mucus that we're so full of, damaging hormone producing cells in the pancreas.

Even when someone with CF is diagnosed with CFRD they still have to keep up a high calorie diet and adjust the insulin to compensate. This I'm particularly pleased about, as even though I'm extremely needle phobic, I can handle the idea of having to inject insulin better than the idea of having to give up my junk food! My point is, when your life is already ruined by something beyond your control, and eating badly isn't going to give us diabetes cause we're going to get it anyway, why bother restricting your enjoyment of food?!

Eat away I say!
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